The Shhh Sale

The Shhh Sale

Hushd Pro is currently $300 OFF!

We are offering customers who convert from Hushd to Hushd Pro, a discounted price. For a limited time, save yourself $300.

Book your appointment to get custom fitted today, and score the discount when you purchase the device. 

Use code Hushd300 via the SleepCare app to redeem your discount when purchasing your device. Offer expires Friday 8 September 2023. 



It's true what they say

The Hushd Pro offers a permanent solution to snoring and sleep apnea. A custom device that is fitted to your mouth for maximum effect, with minimal effort.

Switch to Permanent

HushdPro Avera is our professionally fitted, completely custom device designed for maximum comfort and effectiveness. 

Hushd Pro will work for you if: 

→ You have been recommneded oral appliance therapy or a Mandibular Advancement Splint by a medical professional
→ Are a primary snorer (snoring in the absence of sleep apnea)
→ You have tried CPAP and it wasn't right for you 

HushdPro Avera Benefits include:

✓ Fitted by a medical professional
✓ Physician Approved
✓ Highly effective in stopping snoring and sleep apnea
✓ Better adapted to your jaw position



Get in touch

For any questions about our products or this promo - email to speak to someone directly.